Monday, October 13, 2008

Kamichama Karin

Well! This is goingto be great! I am going to dress as Karin-chan for halloween! Can anyone tell me what I should wear with my coustume? I was thinking of the goddess outfit!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Wow! I just found out that there are 3 series of Kamichama Karin. Go to and search for kamichama karin books and order them online. Not three volumes, but series. Here is a chart.

volume= one book in that series
series= Many volumes in one series

so now you understand. The first series is Kamichama Karin. The second series is Kamichama Karin chu. And I am not really sure of the third one! By the way who are your faveorite characters in the book? Mine are Karin and Kirio. I can't wait to get the next book! By the way if you didn't know Kamichama Karin is a tv show. I don't think they air it in america though. But you can watch it on you tube, it has english sub-titles. But it is still very cool.