Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kamichama Karin officials 2009

I made the official chain email, photo gallary, and official blog for 2009! Isn't that awesome? I am aloso woking on the video! And I am making a mini series on you tube so anyone who wants to be in it try out and visit\sparkles829 soon for details but I am working on a sailor moon mini series right now. I am asking koge donobo if she is interested in a regular book about kamichama karin. I am soooooo excited. But it would be a spoiler of course! I don't know about kamichama karin season 2. But I hope there is. This is just a rumor but I heard it is coming out in April 2009. But I don't know. Just to let you know if you saw that you tube video about a kamichama karin movie, there is no movie. I hope there will be one, but I don't think so. But yes kamichama karin chu is real and some of it is an anime. Like the one with the student concil race coursr and karin's disguise and the bear costume! I think that is an extra though. Kamichama karin airs in Japan on TV tokyo. It is not on the anime network. I will post more. I was a gothic school karin and my friend was a gothic school himeka. It was fun! Thanks magz!
